Traslado de la 1ª Iglesia [Resuelto]


me equivoque antes.. no es un bug.. ni nada..

Si, se puede demoler la primera iglesia.
Para poder realizar la demoliciòn,y mover la iglesia a otro pueblo, antes debes demoler todas las iglesias existentes.

Yes you can demolish your first church. However it would be a huge waste. As when you build it back, it will still just be the same 'first (non-upgradable) church'. You can only move it to another village if you have no other churches.
If you lose your first church, you can rebuild it if you have no other churches.
Churches only affect your own villages, not allies, not others. Only yours.
This church is a different one to the one that built priests on the early German servers.
Barbs/Bonus will not be affected by churches (I.E spiking villages)
All calculations of religion will be done at landing time.
Having religion/belief at two or more has no effect. It’s just to inform you that your village is under the effect of two churches, you receive no extra bonus for it.
First churches take less than 15minutes to build at any level HQ. (Please confirm?)


pues yo creo que estaria bien que un GO o alguien hiciera un tutorial oficial de gt
pero un tutorial de cada caracteristica con lujo de detalles
para asi evitar confusiones como esta
entonces resumiendo lo que dijo ikari
las condiciones para demoler la primera iglesia son:

1º tener edificio principal al nivel 15
2º tener 2 o mas pueblos
3º no tener ninguna otra iglesia, si tienes alguna, debes demolerlas antes de poder demoler la primera iglesia (palabras de ikari)